
Thoughts and Musings

A respository of musings, articles and poems that touch my heart.

The Paradox of Change

The Paradox of Change

“Change is the only constant” has been a favorite quote of mine for many years. This well- known quote has been attributed to Herakleitos of Ephesus, a Greek philosopher who expounded the theory...

Widening Circles of Care and Compassion

Widening Circles of Care and Compassion

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. Mother Teresa Researchers who spend their lives studying adult development agree that the levels of development...

Why Practice?

Why Practice?

As a result of brain research in the last twenty years we know much more about how the mysterious process of growth and development works. Understanding that human’s have the “gift of...

The False Core Belief and False Self Pattern

The False Core Belief and False Self Pattern

The False Core Belief and False Self Pattern In order to find out who you are you must first find out who you are not. Nisargadatta Maharaj In order to get out of jail you must first know you are in...

Why Compassion?

Why Compassion?

Spiritual teachers and psychologists agree that the root of a deep compassionate nature starts with compassion for oneself. Self-compassion corrects our habit of turning away from ourselves. Turning...